Kent  Pitman's

Personal FAQ

UNWIND-PROTECT vs. Continuations

Overview Original Update (2003) Update (2008)

NOTICE: I have promised Will Clinger that I'll make some further updates to the notes here to clarify some confusions that have resulted from the “updated version” as it appears here now. To date, I have not made those updates. The reason for this is primarily lack of time. As such, this page isn't a best representation of my current thinking on the matter, and should not be represented in public discussion as “what I think”, though it continues to be, by its very nature, a representation of my views at some point in the history of this dialog. If you have questions about this matter, please send me email.
--Kent Pitman (9-Feb-2005)

Hmmm. Three years slips by so quickly. I'll try to get something better up soon.
--Kent Pitman (9-Feb-2008)

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